Financial valuations

As an expert in financial valuations and intangible assets, Finantis Value carries out financial valuation studies of companies and their intellectual property rights (or IP rights) such as brands, trademarks, patents, software, digital products, know-how, trade secrets

We also estimate goodwill and PPA (purchase price allocation).

What do you need to value?



Software valuation &
digital solutions

Brands &

Domain names



Know-how &
trade secrets

Financial Assessment of Intangible Assets

The financial valuation of intangible assets is required in different strategic contexts (mergers – acquisitions, divestitures, partnerships), accounting, legal and tax matters.

Our expertise in this field consists in identifying the intangible assets separable from goodwill (brands, technologies, customer base, etc.) in the application of the accounting standards.

Our approach enables us to estimate intangible assets and intellectual property rights such as brands, trademarks, patents, know-how, processes, software, digital solutions…

We also realize independent valuations of corporations’ activities to test the goodwill (“impairment tests”).

To understand the economic reality of your intangible assets, we can estimate the royalty rate a licensee may pay.

Finally, in the context of M&A transactions, we can measure the strategic and financial value of a trademark, patent, contract, license, goodwill, or other assets.


The applicable methods are numerous and their relevance depends on the context and the information available in this context. There are three common approaches:

—  Cost approach

—  Market approach

—  Income approach

In addition to economic data, our study is based on a thorough analysis of the assets to be valued, to determine, at least qualitatively, its strengths and weaknesses.

Thanks to our multidisciplinary team, we deal with the following aspects :

   Legal matters

validity, quality and scope of protection

   Technical matters

nature of the innovation, its position in the state of the art,  validation of the development potential

   Economic and financial

analysis of accounting and main ratios to select the appropriate valuation parameters

   Marketing matters

positioning, development plan, communication, brand image

Business valuation

Considering the strong globalization trend, governments have strengthened their legislation to ensure that financial markets are more secure in the completeness and fairness of financial statements.

Our job as evaluators is primarily to help entrepreneurs to estimate the value their company created.

Therefor, our approach is :

   Comprehensive view

To thoroughly acknowledge the company’s mechanisms,

   Understanding the operation

To understand the internal operations of the latter

   Studying appropriate indicators

To study financial and / or accounting indicators

   Potential and long term view

Appreciate the company’s potential development by identifying and valuing its intangible capital in all aspects (human capital, relational capital, structural capital) and integrating innovative assets with short-, medium- or long-term development potential.

Do you need quickly
a first estimate ?

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Get a first trustworthy estimate of your patent, trademark or design within 3 days with our IP’Nuts online service